
Thursday, June 27, 2013

60 Day Summer Challenge Group

Okay peeps - I'm starting another challenge group!!  This one is going to be so much fun!  The official start date is July 8, so you can still have fun with your 4th of July celebrations and then get down to business the following Monday!

A lot of people have asked me what these challenge groups are all about, so I will try to explain them a little better for you. 

What is it?  It is a closed facebook group (So no one can see what you post about unless they are actually IN the group.) where we discuss clean eating, menu plans our struggles and of course our workouts!  You don't have to live by each other - we've had groups from all over the country!

How does it work?  I will add you into the group on facebook - and it's totally FREE.  Every day we will discuss your diet, how you are doing with your workouts, and any needs or questions you may have.  I (and others in the group) will hold you accountable for your workouts/diet and motivate you to progress toward your health and fitness goals.  You will LEARN to eat healthy and develop workout habits that will become a lifestyle not a crash diet that you give up once the challenge is over.

What do I have to do? 
1. You must be a member of my Teambeachbody Site. You can sign up for a free account by going to and create a user name and password. This just lets me be your 'official' coach.  I promise it's free - no sneaky tricks. :)

2. Together we will choose a program to meet your needs and current fitness level.
Note: Choosing a Beachbody workout is optional for this challenge. Although I encourage all participants to workout with one of the many Beachbody programs, it's summer! I know that many of you may be getting your workouts outside! :)

(I will be doing the new Focus T25 workout that was just released.  It's on sale the entire month of July in a challenge pack that includes a month supply of Shakeology!  Sweet deal!)

3. You commit to replacing 1-2 meals a day with Shakeology for the duration of the group. I require Shakeology because it is one meal that you don't have to worry about.  It will give you energy, control your cravings, help you lose weight and boost your immune system!!.

If you choose to discontinue Shakeology after the challenge, that is perfectly fine with me! But it definitely was the missing piece when I was trying to lose weight. Remember, cutting calories usually means cutting nutrients - this is exactly why diets don't work!

It's only a 60 day commitment and there is a money back guarantee. I promise you will be changed forever!!

4. You are an active participant in the challenge group. This means that you log into the closed facebook support group at least once a day to report and to see the daily post.

What is the cost?  Basically, just the cost of Shakeology which ends up being about $4 per day!  Not bad, huh?  If you choose to get a challenge pack, you actually SAVE money because you get a workout AND Shakeology for less than you can buy them separately.

What do I get out of it?  You get FREE coaching, motivation, accountability, and RESULTS!!  People who join challenge groups lose more weight, are more apt to actually COMPLETE a workout program and they are more motivated to continue a healthy lifestyle afterwards.  If you stick with the program and the Shakeology - I GUARANTEE you will have more energy, you'll lose weight and you will look and feel better too.

How do I know this?  Because I just finished a 90 day challenge group myself!!  I met so many new friends, learned I could do it, and finally met my weight loss goals for once! 

Here are my results:

I am not stopping anytime soon and I am looking for a few people to join me!  I will be doing the challenge group right along with you. :)  Let's help each other reach our health and fitness goals.  Are you with me?

Send me a quick email, message or comment below to get started!!

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