
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

INSANE for the Holidays! 60-day Challenge

Guess what?  We only have a couple months until Thanksgiving!  Does that scare you?  It totally scares me! :o  haha

If you are anything like me, you are pretty good about eating healthy and working out from about spring - fall, then totally hibernate over the winter.  It never fails!  I think maybe it's that it's cold and dark outside, or maybe it's all the baking and yummy fall smells.  The holiday parties definitely add to it.  I can probably think of a million excuses why I tend to gain weight over the holidays, but that is just what they are - EXCUSES!! 

Well - NOT THIS YEAR!  For those of you that have been following my blog, you know that when I started my first challenge group in the spring, I made a goal that I would complete 3 Beachbody programs before the end of the year.  Well.....I have one more program to go!! 

My first program was Body Beast - LOVED it!  This week I will complete T25 - loved that too! :)  And the program I have chosen to push me to my goal by the end of the year is ...... INSANITY!!!

The first time I did Insanity, I made it to the last week and then QUIT!  WHAT?!?  I was seeing such great results, too. :( 
My sister did a round of Insanity in the spring & also had great results, so I have been wanting to totally CRUSH it for round 2!  (I also really want my Insanity t-shirt!)
This is the perfect program for me right now because it delivers amazing results, it's short, and did I mention you get amazing results?  
What better way to motivate you to stay healthy over the holidays?  You could be tightening your belt when everyone else is loosening theirs, right?  Let's not drown ourselves in baggy sweats this winter! 
Who is with me?

Grab a buddy and JOIN ME!!  You don't have to do Insanity, any program will do.

Message me!/BodyRemodel
Or email me

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