
Monday, April 8, 2013

Do You Want Results??

Summer is coming! That 4th of July family get-together is just right around the corner.  In fact, it's only 2 months away!  Are you ready? 

Well, I have good news for you!  My next Challenge Group begins on April 29th.  It's a 60-day challenge with a group of people that have similar health and fitness goals.  In the group I teach you how to set goals, plan healthy meals, and I provide you with the accountability and motivation to achieve those goals.  In return, you get in the best shape of your life!!  Think about how you could look by July 4th, if you decide today to COMMIT to changing your life!

It's not too late - maybe you just want to lose a few pounds before the summer, but I want to see you live a healthy and fulfilling life.  I would love for you to make this a LIFESTYLE CHANGE, and be a positive influence on those around you!  I know you can do it!  And I would love to help you. :)

So - Here is your personal invitation!

On April 29th you can join my "Fit By The 4th" Challenge Group.  I will recommend a program that fits your ability level and time commitments.  I would also recommend that you replace one meal a day with Shakeology.  The reason I recommend Shakeology is because when you are learning to change your eating habits and are adding in exercise, this is one meal a day that you know you are getting the right food combination, and fueling your body with the best nutrients.  It will help you control your cravings (trust me, I know), keeps you full and gives you energy to get through your workouts and the rest of your day.

As part of the Challenge Group, you will be enrolled into my closed online support group.  In this group, you will be required to check in each day and post your daily activities.  It's a great place to feel connected to other people who are going through the same life situations as you!

Does this sound like something you would like to do?  Then don't delay.  There are a limited number of spots available.  I like to keep the groups small which allows me to provide you with the individual attention you deserve!!

Now is the time - LET'S DO THIS!! 
There are some great options for you to get started.  If you are someone who enjoys doing high-intensity workouts, then check out the Insanity Challenge Pack! 

During the month of April, you can get the Insanity Challenge Pack - which includes the entire 60-day fitness program, program guide and nutrition manuals, plus a 30-day supply of Shakeology, free shipping, 30-day trial of the Beachbody Club Membership and my support as your coach!!  It's a great deal!

You don't have to do Insanity, though - any Beachbody program will do.  I love them all! 

Other options include becoming a wholesale customer or coach and saving 25% off everything you order.  If you are already into health and fitness, maybe you would like to run challenge groups like these on your own?  You can become a Beachbody coach and help other people reach their health and fitness goals plus earn an income!  There are no minimum requirements to become a coach!

Ask me how!

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