
Thursday, June 6, 2013

My Weight Loss - (Work In Progress)

Do you ever have one of those days when you think you look pretty good and then you see yourself in a picture and you're like, "What?!"  I do ALL THE TIME!  Well, here is the picture that got me to make some serious changes -
Now, I will say that I had recently had a baby. (Well - who are we kidding, she was almost a year!)  And I'm sure the angle of the camera was bad, right? ;)  Anyway, whatever it was - I didn't like it!  I printed this picture out and put it up by my bed-side table so I could look at it every morning when my alarm went off.  I lost at least 15 lbs in 5 months.  I can't remember because I didn't ever do before pics and measurements.
Here is me in November of 2011.
Then I felt pretty good, so I relaxed again all winter.  Then in the spring of 2012 it started all over with me trying to lose weight before summer so I could fit into all my clothes.  When I would get down a few pounds, I would relax again until winter came and I gained it all back.  Are you seeing a pattern here?? 
Starting in March 2013, I joined a Challenge Group so that I would have motivation and accountability to actually stick with it and change my lifestyle.  I loved the set up so much that I even became a coach!  This way I HAVE to stick to it and stop hibernating over the winter! :)
I seriously love challenge groups, it is sooo much better than trying to do something on your own!
So far, I am down 10 lbs and 8 inches!  I say 'so far' because I still want to lose more body fat. 
This picture was taken last night.  (About 20 pounds difference!)  I am still going to be posting my actual before and after pictures, but I still have a few days left of my 90 day challenge. :)

I made a goal that I would complete 2 more Beachbody programs before the end of the year.  One of the programs I want to do is Shaun T's new Focus T25 which comes out sometime this month!

If you would like to be in one of my challenge groups - feel free to email me - coachbethclark@outlook.comYou can also message me on facebook or comment below.  I would love to have new friends join me as I continue to remodel my body! :)

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