Friday, January 3, 2014

New Year, New You!!

Its January 3rd...How many times have you made it to the gym already? Are you planning to start on "Monday"? Do you have a work out buddy? Will you have your meals planned out and ready for the week? How many of you will drop out after a couple weeks and never reach your goals?

I used to be just like that.  I would start working out, which in my case meant "run on the treadmill" and "do a few sets of weight-lifting".  I would try to eat healthy, and I would usually lose a few pounds.  Then life would get in the way, and I would end up quitting because I didn't have anyone to keep me accountable.  The weight would creep back up, and I would start all over again.

Then I joined my first "Challenge Group".  I had no idea what it was, but I was ready to do whatever it took to get in shape FOR GOOD!  Turns out, a challenge group is an online support group consisting of people who also want to get in shape and eat healthy.  The main difference is you get MOTIVATION, ACCOUNTABILITY, and SUPPORT while you complete a Beachbody program.  My coach helped me with my meal plan, I started drinking Shakeology every day to help with cravings and give my body the nutrients it was lacking, and I had new friends to cheer me on when I felt like giving up.  It was absolutely TERRIFYING to take those before pictures - but it helped a TON because I knew I HAD to get results so I could replace them with my after pictures.  Also knowing I had to report in to the group every night, helped keep my eating on track.  It was so scary, but it was the best thing I ever did.

So I PERSONALLY invite YOU to stop the cycle of the gym membership that is destined to start collecting dust next week and join my January New Year New You challenge group THIS MONDAY January 6th!! Make THIS the year that you stick with it and get healthy!!


It's totally private, so no one else can read our posts.  Right now, we are writing down our goals, setting up our meal plans, and getting ready to take our before pictures and measurements. (Which you don't have to share, yet.)

I will be doing P90X3 along with a few others, but we also have challengers who are doing ChaLEAN Extreme, and Insanity! 

I will also be blogging about my X3 experience, so make sure to check back for that.  I have read through the program and nutrition guide and I have to admit.....I'm a little scared!!  haha

Here's to the best year EVER!!  Good luck everyone! :)!/BodyRemodel

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