Saturday, November 1, 2014

Prepping For A Healthy Holiday Season

Now that Halloween is over, the craziness is just getting started. Am I right? Every year, I think to myself that I just don't have time to work out because I'm so busy, and eating healthy? Nice try. But this year I have a goal to make this the healthiest holiday EVER!

People spend all year - starting in January, trying to get in shape, lose weight and be able to fit into their swimsuit or get healthy for a vacation or reunion, then the holidays come and they just quit everything all together and end up packing on 7-15 lbs! Crazy, right? Why do we do that? Because we are too busy? Yeah right.

I don't need to have an amazing transformation over the holidays, but I DO need something to keep me active, keep the pounds off, and help keep the cravings at bay. 

Where to start?
1) Make a goal to work out EVERY DAY. Make it non-negotiable. Choose a workout program, really any one will do. Pick something you love, that is fun, or something that will keep you motivated day after day. 30 minutes a day is all you need. Everyone has time for that. :)

2) Make a clean-eating menu. Plan, plan, plan! Fill your house with healthy food choices, pre-chop and cook your food, store the right serving sizes in containers within easy reach so you won't be tempted to make an unhealthy choice. KNOW what you are going to be eating, don't guess!

3) Incorporate Shakeology. Seriously, it's the healthiest meal of the day. Who couldn't use that EVERY DAY during the holidays? All those adaptogens, pre-biotics, and digestive enzymes! Not to mention, it will keep the cravings away, and give you energy. Bonus!

4) Earn your treats. Thanksgiving is ONE day - not a whole month. Work out every day, eat your Thanksgiving dinner, then get back at it again. If there is a party - get your workout in earlier that day, and choose small portions. As long as you are still working out and eating healthy most of the time, you shouldn't really gain any weight. (You might not lose weight either, but the point here is to keep from gaining.)

5) Get support. You can join me November 3-23, and December 1-21 for a round each of the 21 Day Fix nutrition plan. We can keep each other on track! Don't worry, I won't judge if your diet is not perfect - I'm sure mine won't be either. ;) haha That is the point of all this - to do better than we would normally do this time of year! The goal is to get right back on track and not completely BLOW it during the next 2 months.

My plan:
I am doing Insanity: Asylum this month, using the 21 Day Fix meal plan. Actually, the 21 Day Fix is PERFECT because you can fit it right in between Halloween and Thanksgiving, and then again between Thanksgiving and Christmas! So instead of GAINING 7-15 lbs, why not LOSE 7-15 lbs?

Why Asylum? Well first of all, I have had this program for a few months and have never tried it! Second, I want to get prepped for Insanity Max: 30 which is being released the first week of December!! 

 Am I excited? Heck yes!!

I am pretty sure this program is going to be mine for Christmas this year! Beachbody is releasing this program the first week of December, so if you want yours in time for Christmas, you need to be one of the first to order. (Especially if they sell out.) You can get your name on the list to be notified immediately when it becomes available. Just go HERE and add your email. :)

I will also be starting an Insanity Max: 30 test group January 5, 2015! So make sure to order yours and let me know if you want to be added to the group.

As always, feel free to contact me if you would like help or have any questions. I love getting to know new people and I want to help YOU reach your health and fitness goals! :)

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